This week we met our new mission president. Him and his wife are so fantastic. Such a power couple. They both served in this mission in the past, they already memorized everyone's names and faces and where they're from, they are awesome!
We had exchanges again, those were cool. I love and I am going to miss Sorella McPheters sooo much! She dies this transfer, so she's heading home to the motherland in a few days!
One really cool miracle this week was this girl, and I'll just call her Gina. So it actually started a few weeks ago. It was a very hot day, one of the first very hot days of he summer, and we had spent all day running all over the place that we didn't eat lunch so we stopped by a fruit shop and bought a sliced watermelon to share. We didn't have eating utensils so we also stopped by a bar and the barista gave us spoons, and then we went to find a bench to eat for a minute. The next day the Sorelle from Rome came to visit us for a scambio. Unfortunately they left their luggage on one of the buses, so a pair of us spent the next morning trying to find their luggage. We talked with everyone and it wasn't until the very last bus we were on, the very last person we met, whose name happened to be the same first name as Sorella Workman so we hit it off. We ended up seeing her again, got her number. She then referred us to her friend. Her friend works ALL the time though, but she said she had seen us one time at her bar. And guess which bar it was...??? The watermelon spoon bar!! It's not actually called that, but that is how I will forever remember it! Anyways, turns out, Gina, watermelon spoon bar barista, is AMAZING, and such a gem. We got to teach her a little bit while she was working one day. Purtroppo, she works ALL the time. But we'll figure something out!
Okay the questions sent in this week, I love the patriotic theme:
1) Do the people of Pescara view the American holiday Independence Day (aka The 4th of July)?
No one really knows what day it is here. But we invited our new convert to our bbq, and she liked it. But she's great and thinks our accents are cute. I just love her!
2) Do you find it more of an advantage or a disadvantage when people discover you are an American?
Depends, if they are young, YES. Because maybe they'll actually talk to you. If they're old, NO, because then they just want to know your political opinions, and your like sorry man! Don't watch the news and haven't seen American soil in about a year. Haha. Or they just think that this is the "American Religion" kind of how all Italians are Catholic. I've met a lot of people who are under the impression that ALL Americans are LDS. Hahaha. Like the Vatican and Temple Square are national equivalents. Noooo not even close!
3) Is your American accent considered really thick and difficult to understand or are the locals somewhat surprised to discover that you have only been speaking Italian for 10 months?
I get complimented sometimes on my accent from people, but i still just can't help it! People are usually pretty mind blown when they hear us speak Italian, after being in the country for such little time.
I love you! Eat some American dirt for me, and watch some fireworks :)
And a message on integrity:
Robert Burns said: “An honest man’s the noblest work of God.” Today, with honesty and integrity among men of high position at a low ebb and becoming lost virtues, some group must diligently teach, practice, and enthrone these principles as cardinal qualities in the character of man. It is more and more important that we have complete moral integrity in the men who shape our destinies, else the freedoms of this country will be sacrifices. The reports of dishonesty, graft, and corruption in government, business, professional, and financial circles in our national life lessen our position and strength as a world leader.
In all humility and sincerity we must admit a power higher than ourselves from whom is derived a positive moral code that will give our lives significance and purpose. We also must remember once and for all that honesty, respect, and honor as such are not for sale on the market block. They are ingredients that you and I and all people should put into our daily lives.
Carlyle said: “Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one rascal less in the world.” Can there be a truly honest man without him being a good man, or can there be a truly good man without him being an honest man? It seems honesty must begin with oneself; otherwise we could not recognize this quality in others. We see things not as they are, but as we are. It is the responsibility of each of us to be honest ourselves--honest in our dealings and relationships, honest in our church membership, honest in keeping the commandments of God. (some conference talk from a really long time ago)
Love Soooorrrellllllaaaaaa HOLIDAY
On the bus on the way to Rome to meet our new mission president and his wife :)
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